Power System Platform  2024w23a
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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 CCameraClass responsible for the correct visualization of the elements on screen
 CControlElementContainerClass that can contain all control elements. Can identify (using RTTI) the elements from a generic list and store them separately
 CControlElementSolverSolves in the time the control system. Can solve the control system directly from a ControlEditor or from a ControlEditorElement
 CElectricCalculationBase class of electric calculations, with general methods
 CElementBase class of all elements of the program. This class is responsible for manage graphical and his data
 CFileHandingSave and opens the projects created on disk
 CGCTextClass to draw text on Graphics Context using wxWidgets
 CIntegrationConstantIntegration constants to calculate dynamic elements through trapezoidal integration method
 CNodeNode of a control element. This class manages the user interaction with the connection and control elements
 CParseAnaredeClass responsible to parse ANAREDE files to import data to PSP
 CPropertiesDataGeneral and simulation data manager
 CSwitchingDataSwitching data of power elements
 CSyncMachineModelDataSynchronous machine data for different models
 CXMLParserXML parser to save and open project and control files