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Power System Platform
►CAboutFormBase | |
CParseAnarede::BranchData | |
CParseMatpower::BranchData | |
CBufferMeshCoords | |
CParseAnarede::BusData | |
CParseMatpower::BusData | |
CBusElectricalData | |
►CBusFormBase | |
CCamera | Class responsible for the correct visualization of the elements on screen |
CCapacitorElectricalData | |
►CChartViewBase | |
CParseAnarede::Component | |
►CConstantFormBase | |
►CControlEditorBase | |
CControlElementContainer | Class that can contain all control elements. Can identify (using RTTI) the elements from a generic list and store them separately |
CControlElementSolver | Solves in the time the control system. Can solve the control system directly from a ControlEditor or from a ControlEditorElement |
►CControlSystemTestBase | |
►CDataReportBase | |
►CElectricCalculation | Base class of electric calculations, with general methods |
►CElement | Base class of all elements of the program. This class is responsible for manage graphical and his data |
CElementPlotData | |
CElementsLists | |
►CExponentialFormBase | |
CFileHanding | Save and opens the projects created on disk |
CFreqResponseData | |
►CFrequencyResponseFormBase | |
►CFunctionParser | |
►CGainFormBase | |
CGCText | Class to draw text on Graphics Context using wxWidgets |
CParseMatpower::GenData | |
CGeneralData | |
►CGeneralPropertiesFormBase | |
►CGeneratorStabFormBase | |
CGraphAutoLayout | |
CGraphAutoLayout::GraphLayoutEdge | |
CGraphAutoLayout::GraphLayoutNode | |
CHarmCurrentElectricalData | |
►CHarmCurrentFormBase | |
CPowerQuality::HarmonicYbus | |
CHMPlane | |
►CImportFormBase | |
►CParseAnarede::IndElementData | |
CIndMotorElectricalData | |
►CIndMotorFormBase | |
CInductorElectricalData | |
CIntegrationConstant | Integration constants to calculate dynamic elements through trapezoidal integration method |
►CIOControlFormBase | |
►CLimiterFormBase | |
CLineElectricalData | |
►CLineFormBase | |
CLoadElectricalData | |
►CLoadFormBase | |
►CMathExpressionFormBase | |
CNode | Node of a control element. This class manages the user interaction with the connection and control elements |
CParseAnarede | Class responsible to parse ANAREDE files to import data to PSP |
CParseMatpower | |
CParseAnarede::PowerLine | |
►CProjectPropertiesFormBase | |
CPropertiesData | General and simulation data manager |
►CRateLimiterFormBase | |
CReactiveLimits | |
►CReactiveShuntElementFormBase | |
CSimulationData | |
►CSimulationsSettingsFormBase | |
CTransferFunction::SpaceState | |
►CStabilityEventListBase | |
►CSumFormBase | |
CSwitchingData | Switching data of power elements |
►CSwitchingFormBase | |
CSyncGeneratorElectricalData | |
►CSyncMachineFormBase | |
CSyncMachineModelData | Synchronous machine data for different models |
CSyncMotorElectricalData | |
►CTextFormBase | |
►CTransferFunctionFormBase | |
CTransformerElectricalData | |
►CTransformerFormBase | |
►CWorkspaceBase | |
►CwxApp | |
►CwxDataObjectSimple | |
►CwxFrame | |
►CwxTreeItemData | |
►CwxWindow | |
CXMLParser | XML parser to save and open project and control files |