Power System Platform  2024w23a
No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CAboutFormForm to show some informations
 CBranchAbstract class for branch power elements
 CBusNode for power elements. All others power elements are connected through this
 CBusFormForm to edit the bus power data
 CCameraClass responsible for the correct visualization of the elements on screen
 CCapacitorShunt capactior power element
 CChartViewThis class is responsible to manage the charts generated in the transient electromechanical studies
 CConnectionLineConnection between two control elements or other connection line and an element
 CConstantA control element that provides a constant value
 CConstantFormForm to edit the constant control data
 CControlElementButtonThis class is responsible to handle the user interaction with control elements
 CControlElementContainerClass that can contain all control elements. Can identify (using RTTI) the elements from a generic list and store them separately
 CControlElementSolverSolves in the time the control system. Can solve the control system directly from a ControlEditor or from a ControlEditorElement
 CControlSystemTestForm to edit properties to test the control system created
 CDataReportForm that shows the results of power flow and fault calculations
 CDividerControl element that divides two inputs
 CElectricCalculationBase class of electric calculations, with general methods
 CElectromechanicalCalculates the electromechanical transient based on disturbances (e.g. system fault)
 CElementBase class of all elements of the program. This class is responsible for manage graphical and his data
 CElementDataObjectClass to store the elements in the clipboard
 CExponentialGenerates an output following an exponential function
 CExponentialFormForm to edit the exponential control data
 CFaultCalculate the fault of the system and update the elements data
 CFileHandingSave and opens the projects created on disk
 CGainProvide an output multiplying the input by a constant
 CGainFormForm to edit the gain control data
 CGCTextClass to draw text on Graphics Context using wxWidgets
 CGeneralPropertiesFormForm to edit the software's general data
 CGeneratorStabFormForm to edit the synchronous generator data for electromechanical studies
 CGraphicalElementAbstract class for graphical elements shown with power elements in workspace
 CHarmCurrentShunt Harmonic Corrent Source
 CImportFormForm to import other programs files to PSP
 CIndMotorInduction motor power element
 CIndMotorFormForm to edit the induction motor power data
 CInductorInductor shunt power element
 CIntegrationConstantIntegration constants to calculate dynamic elements through trapezoidal integration method
 CIOControlProvides the communication with the power element
 CIOControlFormForm to edit the input/output control data
 CLimiterLimits the input value by superior and inferior values
 CLimiterFormForm to edit the limit control data
 CLinePower line element
 CLineFormForm to edit the line power data
 CLoadLoas shunt power element
 CLoadFormForm to edit the load power data
 CMachinesAbstract class for rotary machines power elements
 CMainFrameMain frame of the program. This class manage the ribbon menu and the notebook behavior
 CMathExpressionA generic math expression block that can perform math and conditional operations with the inputs
 CMathOperationAbstract class that define the general behavior of math operation control block
 CMultiplierMultiplies two inputs
 CNodeNode of a control element. This class manages the user interaction with the connection and control elements
 CParseAnaredeClass responsible to parse ANAREDE files to import data to PSP
 CPlotDataThis class is responsible to manage the graphical data of electromechanical result to be plotted on chart viewer
 CPowerElementAbstract class of power elements
 CPowerFlowCalculate the power flow
 CPowerQualityResponsible for the power quality calculations
 CPropertiesDataGeneral and simulation data manager
 CRateLimiterLimits the rising and/or falling rate.
 CRateLimiterFormForm to edit the rate limit control data
 CReactiveShuntElementFormForm to edit the reactive shunt element power data
 CShuntAbstract class for shunt power elements
 CSimulationsSettingsFormForm to edit the simulation data
 CSumSum the all inputs (can choose the input signal)
 CSumFormForm to edit the sum control data
 CSwitchingDataSwitching data of power elements
 CSwitchingFormForm to edit the switching data of power elements for electromechanical transient studies
 CSyncGeneratorSynchronous generator power element
 CSyncMachineFormForm to edit the synchronous machine power data
 CSyncMachineModelDataSynchronous machine data for different models
 CSyncMotorSynchronous motor (synchronous compensator) power element
 CTextElement that shows power element informations in workspace
 CTextFormForm to edit the text graphical data
 CTransferFunctionCalculates the time response by a frequency domain transfer function
 CTransferFunctionFormForm to edit the transfer function control data
 CTransformerTwo-winding transformer power element
 CTransformerFormForm to edit the transformer power data
 CWorkspaceThis class manages the graphical and power elements. It is responsible for handling the user's interaction with the elements
 CXMLParserXML parser to save and open project and control files