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Power System Platform
CAboutForm | Form to show some informations |
CBranch | Abstract class for branch power elements |
CBufferMeshCoords | |
CBus | Node for power elements. All others power elements are connected through this |
CBusElectricalData | |
CBusForm | Form to edit the bus power data |
CCamera | Class responsible for the correct visualization of the elements on screen |
CCapacitor | Shunt capactior power element |
CCapacitorElectricalData | |
CChartView | This class is responsible to manage the charts generated in the transient electromechanical studies |
CConnectionLine | Connection between two control elements or other connection line and an element |
CConstant | A control element that provides a constant value |
CConstantForm | Form to edit the constant control data |
CControlEditor | |
CControlElement | |
CControlElementButton | This class is responsible to handle the user interaction with control elements |
CControlElementContainer | Class that can contain all control elements. Can identify (using RTTI) the elements from a generic list and store them separately |
CControlElementSolver | Solves in the time the control system. Can solve the control system directly from a ControlEditor or from a ControlEditorElement |
CControlSystemTest | Form to edit properties to test the control system created |
CDataReport | Form that shows the results of power flow and fault calculations |
CDebugMainFrame | |
CDebugMainFrameBase | |
CDivider | Control element that divides two inputs |
CElectricCalculation | Base class of electric calculations, with general methods |
CElectromechanical | Calculates the electromechanical transient based on disturbances (e.g. system fault) |
CElement | Base class of all elements of the program. This class is responsible for manage graphical and his data |
CElementDataObject | Class to store the elements in the clipboard |
CElementPlotData | |
CElementsLists | |
CExponential | Generates an output following an exponential function |
CExponentialForm | Form to edit the exponential control data |
CFault | Calculate the fault of the system and update the elements data |
CFileHanding | Save and opens the projects created on disk |
CFreqResponseData | |
CFrequencyResponseForm | |
CGain | Provide an output multiplying the input by a constant |
CGainForm | Form to edit the gain control data |
CGCText | Class to draw text on Graphics Context using wxWidgets |
CGeneralData | |
CGeneralPropertiesForm | Form to edit the software's general data |
CGeneratorStabForm | Form to edit the synchronous generator data for electromechanical studies |
►CGraphAutoLayout | |
CGraphicalElement | Abstract class for graphical elements shown with power elements in workspace |
CHarmCurrent | Shunt Harmonic Corrent Source |
CHarmCurrentElectricalData | |
CHarmCurrentForm | |
CHMPlane | |
CImportForm | Form to import other programs files to PSP |
CIndMotor | Induction motor power element |
CIndMotorElectricalData | |
CIndMotorForm | Form to edit the induction motor power data |
CInductor | Inductor shunt power element |
CInductorElectricalData | |
CIntegrationConstant | Integration constants to calculate dynamic elements through trapezoidal integration method |
CIOControl | Provides the communication with the power element |
CIOControlForm | Form to edit the input/output control data |
CLimiter | Limits the input value by superior and inferior values |
CLimiterForm | Form to edit the limit control data |
CLine | Power line element |
CLineElectricalData | |
CLineForm | Form to edit the line power data |
CLoad | Loas shunt power element |
CLoadElectricalData | |
CLoadForm | Form to edit the load power data |
CMachines | Abstract class for rotary machines power elements |
CMainApp | |
CMainFrame | Main frame of the program. This class manage the ribbon menu and the notebook behavior |
CMainFrameBase | |
CMathExpression | A generic math expression block that can perform math and conditional operations with the inputs |
CMathExpressionForm | |
CMathExprParser | |
CMathOperation | Abstract class that define the general behavior of math operation control block |
CMultiplier | Multiplies two inputs |
CNode | Node of a control element. This class manages the user interaction with the connection and control elements |
►CParseAnarede | Class responsible to parse ANAREDE files to import data to PSP |
►CParseMatpower | |
CPlotData | This class is responsible to manage the graphical data of electromechanical result to be plotted on chart viewer |
CPowerElement | Abstract class of power elements |
CPowerFlow | Calculate the power flow |
►CPowerQuality | Responsible for the power quality calculations |
CProjectPropertiesForm | |
CPropertiesData | General and simulation data manager |
CRateLimiter | Limits the rising and/or falling rate. |
CRateLimiterForm | Form to edit the rate limit control data |
CReactiveLimits | |
CReactiveShuntElementForm | Form to edit the reactive shunt element power data |
CShunt | Abstract class for shunt power elements |
CSimulationData | |
CSimulationsSettingsForm | Form to edit the simulation data |
CStabilityEventList | |
CSum | Sum the all inputs (can choose the input signal) |
CSumForm | Form to edit the sum control data |
CSwitchingData | Switching data of power elements |
CSwitchingForm | Form to edit the switching data of power elements for electromechanical transient studies |
CSyncGenerator | Synchronous generator power element |
CSyncGeneratorElectricalData | |
CSyncMachineForm | Form to edit the synchronous machine power data |
CSyncMachineModelData | Synchronous machine data for different models |
CSyncMotor | Synchronous motor (synchronous compensator) power element |
CSyncMotorElectricalData | |
CText | Element that shows power element informations in workspace |
CTextForm | Form to edit the text graphical data |
►CTransferFunction | Calculates the time response by a frequency domain transfer function |
CTransferFunctionForm | Form to edit the transfer function control data |
CTransformer | Two-winding transformer power element |
CTransformerElectricalData | |
CTransformerForm | Form to edit the transformer power data |
CWorkspace | This class manages the graphical and power elements. It is responsible for handling the user's interaction with the elements |
CXMLParser | XML parser to save and open project and control files |