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Power System Platform
This is the complete list of members for Electromechanical, including all inherited members.
ABCtoDQ0(std::complex< double > complexValue, double angle, double &dValue, double &qValue) (defined in ElectricCalculation) | ElectricCalculation | |
CalculateIndMachinesTransientValues(IndMotor *motor) (defined in Electromechanical) | Electromechanical | protected |
CalculateInjectedCurrents() (defined in Electromechanical) | Electromechanical | protected |
CalculateIntegrationConstants(SyncGenerator *syncGenerator, double id, double iq, double k=1.0) (defined in Electromechanical) | Electromechanical | protected |
CalculateIntegrationConstants(IndMotor *indMotor, double ir, double im, double k=1.0) (defined in Electromechanical) | Electromechanical | protected |
CalculateIntVariables(SyncGenerator *syncGenerator, double id, double iq, double sd, double sq, double pe, double k=1.0) (defined in Electromechanical) | Electromechanical | protected |
CalculateIntVariables(IndMotor *indMotor, double ir, double im, double te, double k=1.0) (defined in Electromechanical) | Electromechanical | protected |
CalculateNonIntVariables(SyncGenerator *syncGenerator, double &id, double &iq, double &sd, double &sq, double &pe, double k=1.0) (defined in Electromechanical) | Electromechanical | protected |
CalculateNonIntVariables(IndMotor *indMotor, double &ir, double &im, double &te, double k=1.0) (defined in Electromechanical) | Electromechanical | protected |
CalculateReferenceSpeed() (defined in Electromechanical) | Electromechanical | protected |
CalculateSyncMachineSaturation(SyncGenerator *syncMachine, double &id, double &iq, double &sd, double &sq, bool updateCurrents=true, double k=1.0) (defined in Electromechanical) | Electromechanical | protected |
ComplexMatrixTimesVector(std::vector< std::vector< std::complex< double > > > matrix, std::vector< std::complex< double > > vector) (defined in ElectricCalculation) | ElectricCalculation | |
DQ0toABC(double dValue, double qValue, double angle, std::complex< double > &complexValue) (defined in ElectricCalculation) | ElectricCalculation | |
ElectricCalculation() | ElectricCalculation | |
Electromechanical(wxWindow *parent, std::vector< Element * > elementList, SimulationData data) (defined in Electromechanical) | Electromechanical | |
EventTrigger(double eventTime, double currentTime) (defined in Electromechanical) | Electromechanical | inlineprotected |
GaussianElimination(std::vector< std::vector< std::complex< double > > > matrix, std::vector< std::complex< double > > array) (defined in ElectricCalculation) | ElectricCalculation | |
GaussianElimination(std::vector< std::vector< double > > matrix, std::vector< double > array) (defined in ElectricCalculation) | ElectricCalculation | |
GetBusList() const | ElectricCalculation | inline |
GetCapacitorList() const | ElectricCalculation | inline |
GetDebugMessage() const (defined in Electromechanical) | Electromechanical | inline |
GetElementsFromList(std::vector< Element * > elementList) | ElectricCalculation | virtual |
GetErrorMessage() const (defined in Electromechanical) | Electromechanical | inline |
GetHarmCurrentList() const | ElectricCalculation | inline |
GetIndMachineAdmittance(IndMotor *motor) (defined in Electromechanical) | Electromechanical | protected |
GetIndMotorList() const | ElectricCalculation | inline |
GetInductorList() const | ElectricCalculation | inline |
GetIterationVector() const (defined in Electromechanical) | Electromechanical | inline |
GetLineList() const | ElectricCalculation | inline |
GetLoadList() const | ElectricCalculation | inline |
GetLUDecomposition(std::vector< std::vector< std::complex< double > > > matrix, std::vector< std::vector< std::complex< double > > > &matrixL, std::vector< std::vector< std::complex< double > > > &matrixU) (defined in ElectricCalculation) | ElectricCalculation | |
GetMachineModel(SyncGenerator *generator) (defined in ElectricCalculation) | ElectricCalculation | |
GetNextConnection(const unsigned int &checkBusNumber, const std::vector< std::vector< std::complex< double > > > &yBus, std::vector< bool > &connToSlack) (defined in ElectricCalculation) | ElectricCalculation | protected |
GetParentBus(Element *childElement, Bus *&parentBus) (defined in ElectricCalculation) | ElectricCalculation | |
GetParentBus(Element *childElement, Bus *&parentBus1, Bus *&parentBus2) (defined in ElectricCalculation) | ElectricCalculation | |
GetPowerElementList() const | ElectricCalculation | inline |
GetSyncGeneratorList() const | ElectricCalculation | inline |
GetSyncMachineAdmittance(SyncGenerator *generator) (defined in Electromechanical) | Electromechanical | protected |
GetSyncMachineModelData(SyncGenerator *syncMachine) (defined in Electromechanical) | Electromechanical | protected |
GetSyncMotorList() const | ElectricCalculation | inline |
GetTimeVector() const (defined in Electromechanical) | Electromechanical | inline |
GetTransformerList() const | ElectricCalculation | inline |
GetYBus(std::vector< std::vector< std::complex< double > > > &yBus, double systemPowerBase, YBusSequence sequence=POSITIVE_SEQ, bool includeSyncMachines=false, bool allLoadsAsImpedances=false, bool usePowerFlowVoltagesOnImpedances=false) | ElectricCalculation | virtual |
HasEvent(double currentTime) (defined in Electromechanical) | Electromechanical | protected |
InitializeDynamicElements() (defined in Electromechanical) | Electromechanical | protected |
InsertIndMachinesOnYBus() (defined in Electromechanical) | Electromechanical | protected |
InsertSyncMachinesOnYBus() (defined in Electromechanical) | Electromechanical | protected |
InvertMatrix(std::vector< std::vector< std::complex< double > > > matrix, std::vector< std::vector< std::complex< double > > > &inverse) | ElectricCalculation | virtual |
LUEvaluate(std::vector< std::vector< std::complex< double > > > u, std::vector< std::vector< std::complex< double > > > l, std::vector< std::complex< double > > b) (defined in ElectricCalculation) | ElectricCalculation | |
m_busList (defined in ElectricCalculation) | ElectricCalculation | protected |
m_capacitorList (defined in ElectricCalculation) | ElectricCalculation | protected |
m_ctrlTimeStepMultiplier (defined in Electromechanical) | Electromechanical | protected |
m_currentPoint (defined in Electromechanical) | Electromechanical | protected |
m_currentTime (defined in Electromechanical) | Electromechanical | protected |
m_debugMessage (defined in Electromechanical) | Electromechanical | protected |
m_errorMsg (defined in Electromechanical) | Electromechanical | protected |
m_eventOccurrenceList (defined in Electromechanical) | Electromechanical | protected |
m_eventTimeList (defined in Electromechanical) | Electromechanical | protected |
m_harmCurrentList (defined in ElectricCalculation) | ElectricCalculation | protected |
m_iBus (defined in Electromechanical) | Electromechanical | protected |
m_indMotorList (defined in ElectricCalculation) | ElectricCalculation | protected |
m_inductorList (defined in ElectricCalculation) | ElectricCalculation | protected |
m_iterationsNum (defined in Electromechanical) | Electromechanical | protected |
m_iterationsNumVector (defined in Electromechanical) | Electromechanical | protected |
m_lineList (defined in ElectricCalculation) | ElectricCalculation | protected |
m_loadList (defined in ElectricCalculation) | ElectricCalculation | protected |
m_maxIterations (defined in Electromechanical) | Electromechanical | protected |
m_parent (defined in Electromechanical) | Electromechanical | protected |
m_plotTime (defined in Electromechanical) | Electromechanical | protected |
m_powerElementList (defined in ElectricCalculation) | ElectricCalculation | protected |
m_powerSystemBase (defined in Electromechanical) | Electromechanical | protected |
m_refSpeed (defined in Electromechanical) | Electromechanical | protected |
m_saturationTolerance (defined in Electromechanical) | Electromechanical | protected |
m_simTime (defined in Electromechanical) | Electromechanical | protected |
m_syncGeneratorList (defined in ElectricCalculation) | ElectricCalculation | protected |
m_syncMotorList (defined in ElectricCalculation) | ElectricCalculation | protected |
m_systemFreq (defined in Electromechanical) | Electromechanical | protected |
m_timeStep (defined in Electromechanical) | Electromechanical | protected |
m_timeVector (defined in Electromechanical) | Electromechanical | protected |
m_tolerance (defined in Electromechanical) | Electromechanical | protected |
m_transformerList (defined in ElectricCalculation) | ElectricCalculation | protected |
m_useCOI (defined in Electromechanical) | Electromechanical | protected |
m_vBus (defined in Electromechanical) | Electromechanical | protected |
m_yBus (defined in Electromechanical) | Electromechanical | protected |
m_yBusL (defined in Electromechanical) | Electromechanical | protected |
m_yBusU (defined in Electromechanical) | Electromechanical | protected |
PreallocateVectors() (defined in Electromechanical) | Electromechanical | protected |
RunStabilityCalculation() (defined in Electromechanical) | Electromechanical | |
SaveData() (defined in Electromechanical) | Electromechanical | protected |
SetEvent(double currentTime) (defined in Electromechanical) | Electromechanical | protected |
SetEventTimeList() (defined in Electromechanical) | Electromechanical | protected |
SetSyncMachinesModel() (defined in Electromechanical) | Electromechanical | protected |
SolveMachines() (defined in Electromechanical) | Electromechanical | protected |
UpdateElementsPowerFlow(std::vector< std::complex< double > > voltage, std::vector< std::complex< double > > power, std::vector< BusType > busType, std::vector< ReactiveLimits > reactiveLimit, double systemPowerBase) | ElectricCalculation | virtual |
~ElectricCalculation() | ElectricCalculation | |
~Electromechanical() (defined in Electromechanical) | Electromechanical |