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Power System Platform
This is the complete list of members for Bus, including all inherited members.
AddChild(Element *child) | Element | virtual |
AddParent(Element *parent, wxPoint2DDouble position) | Bus | inlinevirtual |
PowerElement::AddParent(Element *parent) | Element | inlinevirtual |
AddPoint(wxPoint2DDouble point) | Element | inlinevirtual |
Bus() | Bus | |
Bus(wxPoint2DDouble position) | Bus | |
Bus(wxPoint2DDouble position, wxString name) | Bus | |
CalculateBoundaries(wxPoint2DDouble &leftUp, wxPoint2DDouble &rightBottom) const | Element | virtual |
CalculatePowerFlowPts(std::vector< wxPoint2DDouble > edges) | PowerElement | virtual |
Contains(wxPoint2DDouble position) const | Bus | virtual |
DoubleFromString(wxWindow *parent, wxString strValue, double &value, wxString errorMsg) | Element | static |
DrawDC(wxPoint2DDouble translation, double scale, wxGraphicsContext *gc) const | Bus | virtual |
DrawDCArc(wxPoint2DDouble position, double radius, double initAngle, double finalAngle, int numSegments, wxGraphicsContext *gc) const (defined in Element) | Element | virtual |
DrawDCCircle(wxPoint2DDouble position, double radius, int numSegments, wxGraphicsContext *gc) const | Element | virtual |
DrawDCPickbox(wxPoint2DDouble position, wxGraphicsContext *gc) const | Element | virtual |
DrawDCPowerFlowPts(wxGraphicsContext *gc) const | PowerElement | virtual |
DrawDCSwitches(wxGraphicsContext *gc) const | PowerElement | virtual |
DrawDCTriangle(std::vector< wxPoint2DDouble > points, wxGraphicsContext *gc) const | Element | virtual |
Element() | Element | |
GeneralMenuItens(wxMenu &menu) | Element | virtual |
GetAngle() const | Element | inline |
GetBestPickboxCursor() const | Bus | virtual |
GetChildList() const | Element | inlinevirtual |
GetContextMenu(wxMenu &menu) | Bus | virtual |
GetCopy() | Bus | virtual |
GetElectricalData() const (defined in Bus) | Bus | inlinevirtual |
GetElementType() (defined in Element) | Element | inline |
GetHeight() const | Element | inline |
GetID() const | Element | inlinevirtual |
GetParentList() const | Element | inlinevirtual |
GetPlotData(ElementPlotData &plotData, PlotStudy study=PlotStudy::STABILITY) | Bus | virtual |
GetPointList() const | Element | inlinevirtual |
GetPosition() const | Element | inline |
GetPowerFlowDirection() const | PowerElement | inlinevirtual |
GetRect() const | Element | inline |
GetRotationAngle() const | Element | inline |
GetSwitchingData() | PowerElement | inlinevirtual |
GetSwitchPoint(Element *parent, wxPoint2DDouble parentPoint, wxPoint2DDouble secondPoint) const | PowerElement | virtual |
GetTipText() const | Bus | virtual |
GetValueFromUnit(double value, ElectricalUnit valueUnit) (defined in PowerElement) | PowerElement | virtual |
GetWidth() const | Element | inline |
HaveDynamicEvent() const | PowerElement | inlinevirtual |
Intersects(wxRect2DDouble rect) const | Bus | virtual |
IntFromString(wxWindow *parent, wxString strValue, int &value, wxString errorMsg) | Element | static |
IsDragging() const | Element | inline |
IsOnline() const | Element | inline |
IsPickboxShown() const | Element | inline |
IsSelected() const | Element | inline |
m_activeNodeID (defined in Element) | Element | protected |
m_activePickboxID (defined in Element) | Element | protected |
m_angle (defined in Element) | Element | protected |
m_borderSize (defined in Element) | Element | protected |
m_busColour (defined in PowerElement) | PowerElement | protected |
m_childList (defined in Element) | Element | protected |
m_closedSwitchColour (defined in PowerElement) | PowerElement | protected |
m_dragging (defined in Element) | Element | protected |
m_dynamicEventColour (defined in PowerElement) | PowerElement | protected |
m_dynEvent (defined in PowerElement) | PowerElement | protected |
m_electricalData (defined in Bus) | Bus | protected |
m_elementID (defined in Element) | Element | protected |
m_elementType (defined in Element) | Element | protected |
m_height (defined in Element) | Element | protected |
m_movePos (defined in Element) | Element | protected |
m_movePts (defined in Element) | Element | protected |
m_moveStartPt (defined in Element) | Element | protected |
m_offlineElementColour (defined in PowerElement) | PowerElement | protected |
m_online (defined in Element) | Element | protected |
m_onlineElementColour (defined in PowerElement) | PowerElement | protected |
m_openedSwitchColour (defined in PowerElement) | PowerElement | protected |
m_parentList (defined in Element) | Element | protected |
m_pfDirection (defined in PowerElement) | PowerElement | protected |
m_pointList (defined in Element) | Element | protected |
m_position (defined in Element) | Element | protected |
m_powerFlowArrow (defined in PowerElement) | PowerElement | protected |
m_powerFlowArrowColour (defined in PowerElement) | PowerElement | protected |
m_rect (defined in Element) | Element | protected |
m_rotationAngle (defined in Element) | Element | protected |
m_selected (defined in Element) | Element | protected |
m_selectionColour (defined in Element) | Element | protected |
m_showPickbox (defined in Element) | Element | protected |
m_swData (defined in PowerElement) | PowerElement | protected |
m_switchRect (defined in Element) | Element | protected |
m_switchSize (defined in Element) | Element | protected |
m_width (defined in Element) | Element | protected |
Move(wxPoint2DDouble position) | Element | virtual |
MoveNode(Element *parent, wxPoint2DDouble position) | Element | inlinevirtual |
MovePickbox(wxPoint2DDouble position) | Bus | virtual |
NodeContains(wxPoint2DDouble position) | Element | inlinevirtual |
OpenCADProperties(rapidxml::xml_node<> *elementNode, std::vector< Element * > parentList) (defined in PowerElement) | PowerElement | virtual |
OpenCADProperties(rapidxml::xml_node<> *elementNode) (defined in Element) | Element | |
OpenElement(rapidxml::xml_node<> *elementNode) (defined in Bus) | Bus | virtual |
OpenElement(rapidxml::xml_node<> *elementNode, std::vector< Element * > parentList) (defined in PowerElement) | PowerElement | inlinevirtual |
OpenSwitchingData(rapidxml::xml_node<> *electricalNode) (defined in PowerElement) | PowerElement | virtual |
PickboxContains(wxPoint2DDouble position) | Bus | virtual |
PointToLineDistance(wxPoint2DDouble point, int *segmentNumber=nullptr) const | Element | virtual |
PowerElement() | PowerElement | |
RemoveChild(Element *child) | Element | virtual |
RemoveParent(Element *parent) | Element | inlinevirtual |
ReplaceChild(Element *oldChild, Element *newChild) | Element | virtual |
ReplaceParent(Element *oldParent, Element *newParent) | Element | virtual |
ResetNodes() | Element | inlinevirtual |
ResetPickboxes() | Element | inlinevirtual |
Rotate(bool clockwise=true) | Bus | virtual |
RotateAtPosition(wxPoint2DDouble pointToRotate, double angle, bool degrees=true) const | Element | virtual |
RotatedRectanglesIntersects(wxRect2DDouble rect1, wxRect2DDouble rect2, double angle1, double angle2) const | Element | virtual |
RotateNode(Element *parent, bool clockwise=true) | Element | inlinevirtual |
SaveCADProperties(rapidxml::xml_document<> &doc, rapidxml::xml_node<> *elementNode) (defined in PowerElement) | PowerElement | virtual |
SaveElement(rapidxml::xml_document<> &doc, rapidxml::xml_node<> *elementListNode) (defined in Bus) | Bus | virtual |
SaveSwitchingData(rapidxml::xml_document<> &doc, rapidxml::xml_node<> *electricalNode) (defined in PowerElement) | PowerElement | virtual |
SetAngle(double angle) | Element | inline |
SetBorderSize(double borderSize) | Element | inline |
SetChild(Element *child, int num) (defined in Element) | Element | inline |
SetDragging(bool dragging=true) | Element | inline |
SetDynamicEvent(bool dynEvent=true) | PowerElement | inlinevirtual |
SetElectricalData(const BusElectricalData &electricalData) (defined in Bus) | Bus | inlinevirtual |
SetHeight(double height) | Element | inline |
SetID(int id) | Element | inlinevirtual |
SetNodeParent(Element *parent) | Element | inlinevirtual |
SetNominalVoltage(std::vector< double > nominalVoltage, std::vector< ElectricalUnit > nominalVoltageUnit) | PowerElement | virtual |
SetOnline(bool online=true) | Element | |
SetParent(Element *parent, int num) (defined in Element) | Element | inline |
SetPointList(std::vector< wxPoint2DDouble > pointList) | Element | inlinevirtual |
SetPosition(const wxPoint2DDouble position) | Element | |
SetPowerFlowDirection(PowerFlowDirection pfDirection) | PowerElement | inlinevirtual |
SetSelected(bool selected=true) | Element | inline |
SetSwitchingData(SwitchingData data) | PowerElement | inlinevirtual |
SetWidth(double width) | Element | inline |
ShowForm(wxWindow *parent, Element *element) | Bus | virtual |
ShowPickbox(bool showPickbox=true) | Element | inline |
StartMove(wxPoint2DDouble position) | Element | virtual |
StringFromDouble(double value, int minDecimal=1) | Element | static |
SwitchesContains(wxPoint2DDouble position) const | PowerElement | virtual |
UpdateNodes() | Element | inlinevirtual |
UpdateSwitches() | PowerElement | virtual |
WorldToScreen(wxPoint2DDouble translation, double scale, double offsetX=0.0, double offsetY=0.0) const | Element | virtual |
WorldToScreen(wxPoint2DDouble position, wxPoint2DDouble translation, double scale, double offsetX=0.0, double offsetY=0.0) const | Element | virtual |
~Bus() (defined in Bus) | Bus | |
~Element() | Element | inlinevirtual |
~PowerElement() | PowerElement | inlinevirtual |